Food Technology Information Center

Manual of Forage and Forage Preservation

Technology of Forage and By-Products Preservation


  1. Preface
  2. Why preserve forage?
  3. Principals of food/feed preservation
  4. The history of forage preservation by ensiling, and basic terminology
  5. Flow sheet - silage making, from seed to feed
  6. Raw material - Selected forages for silage making
  7. The chemical and microbiological qualities of the whole plant, as relevant to preservation by ensiling
  8. Harvesting
  9. Wilting
  10. Chopping
  11. Enrichment
  12. Transportation
  13. Compaction
  14. Sealing
  15. Feed Out
  16. Synchronization
  17. The microbiology and chemistry of silage
  18. Silage additives
  19. Haylage
  20. Forage health
  21. Ensiling facilities - silos and machinery
  22. Preservation of residues and by-products by ensiling
  23. Animal wastes
  24. Preservation of forage by haymaking
  25. Comparison between ensiling and haymaking - advantages and disadvantages
  26. Silage research - equipment and analysis
  27. References according to subjects